Education and employment in the cultural field

Type of artSexAge groups

2022-2022 — Number


Type of artRegion of residence

2022-2022 — Number


Type of artIncome baseAge groups

2022-2022 — Number


Type of artFamily typeSexAge groups

2022-2022 — Number


Type of artLevel of educationSexAge groups

2022-2022 — Number

Cultural Business Demography

Cultural domainsUnit

2008-2021 — -

Cultural Business Demography


2008-2021 — -

Cultural business structure

Cultural domainsActivityUnit

2008-2021 — -

Cultural business structure


2008-2021 — Number

Cultural workplaces (ultimo November)

Cultural domainsActivitySize

2008-2021 — Number

Employees in cultural sector

SexCultural domainsEducation

2008-2021 — Number

Employees in cultural sector

Cultural domainsAgeAncestry

2008-2021 — Number

Employees in cultural sector

SexCultural domainsType of job

2008-2021 — Number

Unemployment rates for gdaduation from cultural educations

Education institutionEducationGraduation yearSexType of unemployment

2020-2023 — Per cent

Activity rates (end November)

Education institutionEducationSexGraduation year

2019-2022 — Per cent

Employed persons (end November)

Education institutionEducationSectorSex

2019-2022 — Number

Average income

Education institutionEducationGraduation yearSexType of income

2019-2022 — DKK

Employment (end November)

Education institutionEducationWork place regionSex

2019-2022 — Number

Students at the Ministry of Culture institutions

StatusEducation institutionEducationInternational and non internationals students

2005-2023 — Number

Students dropped-out within 5 years from the Ministry of Culture institutions

Education institution

2005-2018 — Number

Average study time (months) for completed education

Education institutionEducation

2005-2023 — Mth.

Participation at folk high schools

Type of courseSexAgeAncestryUnitPoints in time

2016-2023 — Number

Participation at folk high schools medium and long courses

SexAgeEducational attainment in the familyUnitPoints in time

2016-2023 — Number

Participation at folk high schools medium and long courses

SexAgeEquivalent disposable incomeUnitPoints in time

2016-2023 — Number

Participation at folk high schools short courses

SexAgeHighest education completedUnitPoints in time

2016-2023 — Number

Participation at folk high schools short courses

SexAgePersonal incomeUnitPoints in time

2016-2023 — Number

Participation at folk high schools

Type of courseResidence provinceSexInstitutionUnitPoints in time

2016-2023 — Number

Funding and payments in the cultural field
Public funding for cultural purposes

Cultural domainsPurposeFinancing sourceFinancing type

2020-2024 — m DKK

Public funding for cultural purposes

Cultural domainsFinancing sourceFinancing type

2007-2024 — m DKK

Public funding for cultural purposes related to research

Cultural domainsPurposeFinancing sourceFinancing type

2020-2024 — m DKK

Public funding for cultural purposes related to tertiary education

Cultural domainsPurposeFinancing sourceFinancing type

2020-2024 — m DKK

Payments by the Ministry of Culture

Cultural domains

2010-2022 — m DKK

Payments by the Ministry of Culture

RegionCultural domainsFinancing typeState institutionUnit

2017-2022 — -

Personal recipients of payments by the Ministry of Culture

RegionCultural domainsSexAge groups

2010-2022 — Number

Payments by the Ministry of Culture to personal recipients

RegionCultural domainsSexAge groups

2010-2022 — DKK 1,000

The Ministry of Culture's average payments to personal recipients

Municipality groupsCultural domains

2018-2022 — DKK per recipient

Companies receiving payments by the Ministry of Culture

LocationCultural domainsType of companySize of company

2010-2022 — Number

Payments by the Ministry of Culture to companies

LocationCultural domainsType of companySize of company

2010-2022 — DKK 1,000

Personal recipients of library money


2010-2022 — Number

Payments of library money


2010-2022 — DKK 1,000

Gender equality indicator of payments by the Min. of Cul. to personal recipients

IndicatorRegionCultural domainsAge groups

2010-2022 — -

Gender equality indicator of personal recipients of payments by the Min. of Cult

IndicatorRegionCultural domainsAge groups

2010-2022 — -

Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted children and young people

RegionCultural domainsFinancing typeState institutionUnit

2017-2022 — -

Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted research

RegionCultural domainsFinancing typeState institutionUnit

2017-2022 — -

Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted education

RegionCultural domainsFinancing typeState institutionUnit

2017-2022 — -

Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted international activities

Type of countryCultural domainsCountry

2012-2022 — DKK 1,000

Research in the cultural field
Full-time equivalents and personnel for R&D

Subject areaFull-time equivalents and personnelSex

2007-2022 — Number

Expenses for R&D in culture

Subject areaExpenditures

2007-2022 — DKK 1,000