Energy and air emission accounts
Gross energy consumption in GJ

IndustryType of energy

1966-2023 — GJ (gigajoule)

Energy Account in specific units (summary table)

Supply and useType of energy

1966-2023 — -

Energy Account in specific units (detailed table)

SupplyType of energy

1966-2023 — -

Energy Account in specific units (detailed table)

UseType of energy

1966-2023 — -

Energy Account in GJ (summary table)

Supply and useType of energy

1966-2023 — GJ (gigajoule)

Energy Account in GJ (detailed table)

SupplyType of energy

1966-2023 — GJ (gigajoule)

Energy Account in GJ (detailed table)

UseType of energy

1966-2023 — GJ (gigajoule)

Key figures for energy consumption and production

Municipality groupsIndicatorUnit

2020-2022 — -

Renewable energy's share of total gross energy consumption


1990-2023 — Per cent

Direct and indirect use of energy

IndustryType of energyMultiplierPrice unit

1990-2023 — -

Direct and indirect use of energy

Final demandType of energyMultiplierPrice unit

1990-2023 — -

Direct and indirect use of energy

IndustryType of energyCausePrice unit

1990-2023 — GJ (gigajoule)

Air Emission Accounts

IndustryType of emission

1990-2023 — -

Bridge table

Bridging itemsType of emission

1990-2022 — -

Bridge table for Greenhouse Gasses

Bridging itemsType of emission

1990-2022 — 1,000 tonnes

Greenhouse Gas Accounts (in CO2 equivalents)

IndustryType of emission

1990-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Greenhouse Gas Accounts (in CO2 equivalents)

IndustryType of emissionCalculation principle

1990-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Key figures for greenhouse gas emissions

Municipality groupsIndicatorType of emissionUnit

2020-2022 — -

Greenhouse gas accounts


1990-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

CO2 emissions from families' energy consumption


1990-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Greenhouse gas emissions


1990-2023 — Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents

Emissions from agriculture, forestry and fishing

Type of emission

1990-2023 — Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents

Climate footprint (experimental statistics)

Type of useEmitting industriesEmitting countries

1990-2022 — Tonnes of CO2-equivalents

Climate footprint (experimental statistics)

Type of useSupplying industriesEmitting industriesEmitting countries

1990-2022 — Tonnes of CO2-equivalents

Direct and indirect air emissions

IndustryType of emissionMultiplierPrice unit

1990-2023 — -

Direct and indirect air emissions

Final demandType of emissionMultiplierPrice unit

1990-2023 — -

Direct and indirect air emissions

IndustryType of emissionCausePrice unit

1990-2023 — -

Greenhouse gases


1990-2023 — Index

Greenhouse gas emissions per. unit value added


1990-2023 — Tonnes per m DKK

Renewable energy share of energy consumption.


2019-2021 — Per cent

Greenhouse gas emissions per capita


2000-2020 — Tonnes of CO2 equivalent per capita

Material flow and waste accounts
Economy-wide material flow accounts

Material typeIndicator

1993-2022 — Tonne

Material flows converted to raw material equivalents

Type of raw materialIndicator

2008-2019 — 1,000 tonnes

Raw material equivalents

Type of raw materialImports and exportsGoods and services

2008-2019 — 1,000 tonnes

Indicator: Domestic material consumption

AreaUnit of measurement

2010-2022 — Tonnes per capita

Detailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 1)

Material typeCategory

2018-2018 — Tonne

Supply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 1)

Material typeCategory

2018-2018 — Tonne

Use of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 1)

Material typeCategory

2018-2018 — Tonne

Detailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 2)

Material typeCategory

2018-2018 — Tonne

Supply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 2)

Material typeCategory

2018-2018 — Tonne

Use of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 2)

Material typeCategory

2018-2018 — Tonne

Detailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 3)

Material typeCategory

2018-2018 — Tonne

Supply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 3)

Material typeCategory

2018-2018 — Tonne

Use of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 3)

Material typeCategory

2018-2018 — Tonne

Waste generation

IndustryKind of treatmentWaste category

2011-2022 — Tonne

Waste generation

IndustryWaste category

2011-2022 — Tonne

Waste generation

IndustryKind of treatment

2011-2022 — Tonne

Waste generation


2011-2022 — Tonne

Im- and exports of waste

Waste categoryKind of treatmentImports and exports

2011-2022 — Tonne

Household waste

Municipality groupsKind of treatmentWaste category

2013-2020 — Tonne

Key figures for household waste

Municipality groupsKey figures

2013-2020 — -

Direct and indirect generation of waste

IndustryWaste categoryMultiplierPrice unit

2011-2022 — -

Direct and indirect generation of wate by final demand

Final demandWaste categoryMultiplierPrice unit

2011-2022 — -

Waste generation by industries caused by final demand

IndustryWaste categoryCausePrice unit

2011-2022 — Tonne

Direct and indirect use of waste

IndustryKind of treatmentMultiplierPrice unit

2011-2022 — -

Direct and indirect generation of waste by final demand

Final demandKind of treatmentMultiplierPrice unit

2011-2022 — -

Generation of waste by industries caused by final demand

IndustryKind of treatmentCausePrice unit

2011-2022 — Tonne

Direct and indirect use of energy

IndustryHazardousnessMultiplierPrice unit

2011-2022 — -

Direct and indirect generation of waste by final demand

Final demandHazardousnessMultiplierPrice unit

2011-2022 — -

Generation of waste by industries caused by final demand

IndustryHazardousnessCausePrice unit

2011-2022 — Tonne

Water and waste water
Water abstraction

RegionWater typeAbstraction category

1989-2023 — m m3

Abstraction of water (Physical water accounts)

IndustryWater type

2010-2023 — 1,000 m3

Consumption of water (Physical water accounts)

IndustryWater type

2010-2023 — 1,000 m3

Consumption of water (Monetary water accounts)


2010-2023 — m DKK

Direct and indirect use of water

IndustryWater typeMultiplierPrice unit

2010-2023 — -

Direct and indirect use of water

Final demandWater typeMultiplierPrice unit

2010-2023 — -

Discharge of water

RegionDischargeFarm type

2010-2023 — -

Discharge of wastewater (Physical water accounts)


2010-2023 — 1,000 m3

Discharge of wastewater (Monetary water accounts)


2010-2023 — m DKK

Direct and indirect discharge of waste water

IndustryDischargeMultiplierPrice unit

2010-2023 — -

Direct and indirect discharge of waste water

Final demandDischargeMultiplierPrice unit

2010-2023 — -

Green economy
Environmental goods and services

Environmental purposeIndustryUnit

2012-2023 — -

Environmental goods and services (new classification)

Environmental purposeIndustryUnit

2015-2023 — -

Environmental goods and services

Industry (DB07)Environmental purposeUnit

2012-2023 — -

Environmental protection

Environmental purposeExpenditure/revenueSector

1995-2023 — DKK 1,000

Environmental expenditures in manufacturing industries

Industry (DB07)Environmental purpose

2014-2022 — m DKK

Environmentaly related taxes

Environmental category

1995-2023 — m DKK

Environmental taxes

IndustryEnvironmental category

1995-2023 — m DKK

Environmental transfers

Environmental category

1995-2023 — m DKK

Environmental transfers

Environmental purpose

1995-2023 — m DKK

Environmental transfers

IndustryEnvironmental category

1995-2023 — m DKK

Natural resource accounts

Land coverRegionUnit

2011-2021 — -

Land use

Industry (19a2-grouping)RegionUnit

2016-2016 — -

Value of oil and gas reserve

Balance items

1990-2024 — -

Physical stocks for oil reserve

Balance items

1990-2024 — m m3

Physical stocks for gas reserve

Balance items

1990-2024 — bn. Nm3

Fish and shellfish in aquaculture (Physical stock)

Balance itemsFish- and shellfish species

2010-2023 — Tonne

Natural aquatic resources (Physical stock)

Balance itemsFish- and shellfish species

2010-2023 — Tonne

Fish and shellfish in aquaculture (Value)

Balance itemsFish- and shellfish species

2010-2023 — DKK 1,000

Growing stock (physical account)

Balance itemsSpecies of woodCounty council district

1990-2023 — 1,000 m3

Growing stock (monetary account)

Balance itemsSpecies of woodCounty council district

1990-2023 — m DKK

Forest area (Kyoto) (physical account)

Balance itemsCounty council district

1990-2023 — km2