Digital behaviour
Latest use of internet - per cent of the population (16-74 years)

TypeLatest use

2008-2023 — Per cent

Purchase via internet - per cent of the population (16-74 years)

TypeLatest purchase

2008-2023 — Per cent

E-commerce during the past year


2008-2023 — Per cent

It-security problems within the last year - per cent of internet users (16-74)


2019-2019 — Per cent

Use of internet for private purposes - per cent of the population(16-74 years)

TypeInternet activity

2008-2023 — Per cent

Use of cloud computing - per cent of the population (16-74 years)


2014-2020 — Per cent

Access to computer and internet in by household type - (2008)


2008-2023 — Per cent

E-commerce by type of sellers


2008-2023 — Per cent

Use of streaming services - per cent of individuals (16-89 years)


2014-2020 — Per cent

Broadband subscriptions

Type of broadband

2000H2-2023H1 — Number

Broadband coverage (share of private residence with access to broadband internet

Municipality groupsBroadband speed

2014-2023 — Share in per cent

Active internet subscriptions

Number and sharePrivate and business

2002H2-2023H1 — Number

Turnover from internet

Type of advertising

2000Q1-2022Q4 — -

Consumption of digital games (year)


2018-2022 — Per cent

Consumption of digital games (year)


2018-2022 — Per cent

Consumption of digital games (quarter)

AccessAge and sex

2018Q3-2023Q4 — Per cent

Consumption of digital games (quarter)

UnitAge and sex

2018Q3-2023Q4 — Per cent

Consumption of digital games

ConsumptionAge and sex

2019Q2-2019Q2 — Per cent

Consumption of work out apps (year)


2018-2022 — Per cent

Consumption of work out apps (quarter)

ServicesAge and sex

2018Q3-2023Q4 — Per cent

Consumption of e-learning (year)


2018-2018 — Per cent

Consumption of e-learning (quarter)

ActivityAge and sex

2018Q3-2020Q1 — Per cent

Cultural and recreational activities
Membership for youth and outdoor activities organisations


2007-2023 — 1,000 people

Cultural activities (year) within the last three months

Cultural activitiesSexAge

2018-2022 — Per cent

Individuals use of cultural activities (year) within the past three months

Cultural activitiesArea

2018-2022 — Per cent

Individuals use of cultural activities (year) within the past three months

Cultural activitiesEducation

2018-2022 — Per cent

Cultural activities (year) within the last three months

Cultural activitiesSexAgeFrequency

2018-2022 — Per cent

Cultural activities (year) within the last three months

Cultural activitiesAreaFrequency

2018-2022 — Per cent

Cultural activities (year) within the last three months

Cultural activitiesEducationFrequency

2018-2022 — Per cent

Cultural activities (year) within the last week

Cultural activitiesSexAgeFrequency

2018-2022 — Per cent

Cultural activities (year) within the last week

Cultural activitiesAreaFrequency

2018-2022 — Per cent

Cultural activities (year) within the last week

Cultural activitiesEducationFrequency

2018-2022 — Per cent

Use of cultural activities (quarter) within the past three months

Cultural activitiesAge and sex

2018Q3-2023Q4 — Per cent

Talks about films, series or books within the past three months

Cultural activitiesAge and sexFrequency

2020Q1-2020Q1 — Per cent

Visit to museums by age and sex

VisitAge and sex

2021Q4-2021Q4 — Per cent

Cultural activities (quarter) within the past three months

Cultural activitiesAge and sexFrequency

2018Q3-2023Q4 — Per cent

Cultural activities with others within the past three months

Cultural activitiesAge and sexUse

2020Q1-2020Q1 — Per cent

Consumption of cultural activities (kvartal) within the past week

Cultural activitiesAge and sexFrequency

2018Q3-2023Q4 — Per cent

Consumption of recreation (year)


2018-2022 — Per cent

Voluntary work (year)


2018-2022 — Per cent

Voluntary work (per cent of the population)

Municipality groupsArea

2018-2022 — Per cent

Consumption of e-learning (quarter)

ActivityAge and sex

2018Q3-2023Q4 — Per cent

Voluntary work (quarter)

AreaAge and sex

2018Q3-2023Q4 — Per cent