Transport of goods by road
National transport of goods by road

UnitType of transportType of vehicle/total permisable laden weightAge of vehicleDistance of journey

1999-2024 — -

National goods road transport

Type of transportUnit

1999Q1-2024Q4 — -

Use of capacity of Danish goods road vehicles in national transport

UnitDistance of journeyType of vehicle/type of transportLoad

1999-2024 — Per cent

National goods road transport

Type of transportType of goodsUnit

2008Q1-2024Q4 — -

National transport of goods by road between regions

UnitRegion of loadingRegion of unloadingType of goods

2008-2024 — -

Use of capacity of Danish goods road vehicles in national transport

UnitType of transportLoad

1999Q1-2024Q4 — -

National transport of dangerous goods by road

UnitRegion of loadingRegion of unloadingType of goods

2007-2024 — -

National transport of goods by road

UnitType of cargoType of goods

2008-2024 — -

Goods road transport by foreign road vehicle

UnitLand of registrationType of transport

2000-2023 — -

International goods road transport by Danish vehicles

Type of transportUnit

1999Q1-2024Q4 — -

International transport of goods by road

UnitType of transportType of cargoType of goods

2008-2024 — -

International goods transport by Danish road vehicles

Type of transportType of goodsUnit

2008Q1-2024Q4 — -

International goods road transport by Danish vehicles

Type of transportCountryUnit

1999Q1-2024Q4 — -

Use of capacity of Danish goods road vehicles in international transport

UnitDistance of journeyType of tansport/type of vehicleLoad

1999-2024 — -

Capacity use of Danish goods road vehicles in international transport

Type of transportLoadUnit

1999Q1-2024Q4 — -

International transport of goods by road

UnitCountry of start-of-journeyCountry of destination

1999-2024 — -

International transport of goods by road between countries

UnitCountry of loadingCountry of unloadingType of goods

2008-2024 — -

International transport of goods by road

UnitType of vehicle/total permisable laden weightAge of vehicleDistance of journey

1999-2024 — -

International transport of dangerous goods by road

UnitType of transportType of goods

1999-2024 — -

Goods road transport (factual data)

Type of transportUnit

1998Q1-2024Q4 — -

Goods road transport (seasonal adjusted)

Type of transportUnit

2010Q1-2024Q4 — -

Transport of goods by rail
Rail transport of goods

UnitType of transportRailway system

1990-2023 — -

Rail transport of goods

UnitType of transportType of goods

2008-2023 — -

National rail transport of goods

UnitRegion of loadingRegion of unloading

2007-2023 — -

Rail transport of dangerous goods

Type of transportType of goodsUnit

2004-2023 — -

Railway transport of intermodal transport units

Type of transportUnit of cargoUnit

2004-2023 — -

International rail transport of goods


2000-2023 — -

Rail transport of goods

UnitType of transport

2013Q1-2024Q4 — -

Maritime transport of goods
Transport of goods over Danish ports


1990-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Throughput of goods in Danish ports


2007-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Throughput of goods in Danish ports in international traffic

SeaportDirectionType of goods

2007-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Throughput of goods in international traffic in major Danish ports


2004-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Throughput of goods in Danish ports in national traffic

SeaportDirectionType of goods

2007-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Throughput of goods in national traffic in Danish ports

SeaportDirectionPart of the country

2007-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Throughput of goods from cargo ships in major Danish ports

FlagstateDirectionType of goods

1997-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Maritime transport of goods between Danish regions

Region of loadingRegion of unloadingUnit

2007-2023 — -

Throughput of containers and ro-ro units in major Danish ports

SeaportDirectionUnit of cargoUnit

1997-2023 — -

Throughput of goods in major Danish ports

DirectionCountryType of goods

2004-2023 — 1,000 tonnes

Throughput of goods in major Danish seaport

SeaportDirectionType of goods

2000Q1-2024Q4 — 1,000 tonnes

Throughput of containers and ro-ro units in major Danish seaports

DirectionUnit of cargoTransport unit

2000Q1-2024Q4 — -

Throughput of goods in major Danish seaports

Group of countriesType of goods

2000Q1-2024Q4 — 1,000 tonnes

Transport of goods by air
Air transport of goods via manned Danish airports

AirportType of transport

1990-2023 — 100 tonnes

Transport of goods by pipeline
Transport in pipelines


1982-2023 — -