Enterprise finance and accounts
Accounts statistics

Industry (DB07)Items

2008-2022 — -

Key figures in per cent for accounts statistics

Industry (DB07)Items

2008-2022 — Per cent

Accounts statistics


2019-2022 — -

Key figures in per cent for accounts statistics


2019-2022 — Per cent

Accounts statistics


2019-2022 — -

Key figures in per cent for accounts statistics


2019-2022 — Per cent

Accounts statistics


2019-2022 — -

Preliminary accounts statistics


2019-2022 — -

Key figures in per cent for accounts statistics


2019-2022 — Per cent

Preliminary accounts statistics

IndustryItemsType of ownership

2019-2022 — -

Accounts statistics

IndustryItemsType of ownership

2019-2022 — -

Key figures in per cent for accounts statistics

IndustryItemsType of ownership

2019-2022 — Per cent

Accounts statistics (DB07)


2019-2022 — -

Enterprises seeking to obtain finance

Industry (DB07)Finance activityPopulation

2007-2018 — Per cent

Enterprises seeking to obtain finance

Type of financeOutcomePopulation

2007-2018 — Per cent

Enterprises seeking to obtain finance

Source of loan financeOutcomePopulation

2007-2018 — Per cent

Purchases and sales by enterprises
Purchases and sales

Industry (DB07)AmountSeasonal adjustment

2009M01-2024M05 — m DKK

Purchases and sales (19-grouping)

Industry (DB07)AmountSeasonal adjustment

2009M01-2024M05 — m DKK

Purchases and sales (36 og 127-grouping)

Industry (DB07)Amount

2009M01-2024M05 — m DKK

Purchases and sales (detailed)

Industry (DB07)Amount

2009Q1-2024Q1 — m DKK

Purchases and sales

Industry (DB07)Amount

2009-2023 — m DKK

Purchases and sales historic summary


1969-2023 — m DKK

Labour costs
Total labour costs for corporations and organisations per worked hour

Industry (DB07)ComponentsGroup of employeesSex

2014-2022 — DKK

Other labour costs for corporations and organisations per worked hour

Industry (DB07)ComponentsGroup of employees

2014-2022 — DKK

Total labour costs for corporations and organisations per worked hour

OccupationComponentsGroup of employeesSex

2014-2022 — DKK

Other labour costs for corporations and organisations per worked hour

OccupationComponentsGroup of employees

2014-2022 — DKK

Grants and payments by foundations

Foundation typeLevel of fundingKey figures

2016-2022 — -


Foundation typeKey figuresPurpose

2016-2022 — -


Foundation typeInstrumentPurpose

2016-2022 — m DKK


Foundation typeType of recipientPurpose

2016-2022 — m DKK


Foundation typeNationality of recipientsPurpose

2016-2022 — m DKK

Grants for cultural purposes

Foundation typeMain areas

2016-2022 — m DKK

Grants for social purposes

Foundation typeTarget groupMain areas

2019-2022 — m DKK

Grants for health purposes

Foundation typeMain areas

2019-2022 — m DKK

Grants for educational purposes

Foundation typeMain areas

2019-2022 — m DKK

Grants for business promotion and regional development purposes

Foundation typeMain areas

2019-2022 — m DKK

Grants for philanthropic and non-philanthropic purposes

Foundation typeKey figuresPurpose

2021-2022 — m DKK

Grants for nature, climate and environment purposes

Foundation typeMain areas

2022-2022 — m DKK

Grants for research purpose

Foundation typeSubject areaGrants

2022-2022 — m DKK

Grants for green research purposes

Foundation typeSubcategory

2022-2022 — m DKK