Exchange rates
Daily exchange rates


1977M01D03-2024M07D24 — -

Monthly exchange rates


1970M01-2024M06 — -

Quarterly exchange rates


1970Q1-2024Q2 — Index

Yearly exchange rates


1970-2023 — -

Interest rates and fees
Compounded Index


2022M04D01-2024M07D24 — Index

Interest rates


1983M05D10-2024M07D24 — Per cent

Interest rates


1985M10-2024M06 — -

Interest rates


1985-2023 — Per cent

Interest rates, by type


1985M01-2024M06 — Per cent per annum

The bank's average deposit and lending interest rates (p.c. per annum)


2002Q1-2024Q1 — Per cent per annum

Government bond yields


1989-2023 — Per cent per annum

Outstanding domestic loans from the MFI sector excl. Danmarks Nationalbank

InstrumentData typeDomestic sectorCurrencyMaturity (original maturity)Purpose

2003M01-2024M06 — -

Outstanding domestic loans from banks

InstrumentData typeDomestic sectorCurrencyMaturity (original maturity)Purpose

2003M01-2024M06 — -

Outstanding domestic mortgage loans from mortgage banks

Data typeDomestic sectorCurrency

2003M01-2024M06 — -

Outstanding domestic deposits in banks

InstrumentData typeDomestic sectorCurrencyMaturity (original maturity)

2003M01-2024M06 — -

Outstanding domestic deposits in the MFI sector excl. Danmarks Nationalbank

Data typeDomestic sectorCurrencyMaturity (original maturity)

2003M01-2024M06 — -

New dom. loans excl. revolving loans, etc. from MFI sector excl. Danm.

PurposeData typeDomestic sectorCurrencyMaturity (original maturity)Interest rate fixationSize of loan

2003M01-2024M06 — -

New domestic loans excl. revolving loans, etc. from banks

PurposeData typeDomestic sectorCurrencyMaturity (original maturity)Original interest rate fixationSize of loan and repo business

2003M01-2024M06 — -

New domestic mortgage loans excl. revolving loans etc. from mortgage banks

Data typeDomestic sectorCurrencyMaturity (original maturity)Original interest rate fixationSize of loan

2003M01-2024M06 — -

New domestic deposits in the MFI sector excl. Danmarks Nationalbank

InstrumentData typeDomestic sectorCurrencyMaturity (original maturity)

2003M01-2024M06 — -

New domestic deposits in banks

InstrumentData typeDomestic sectorCurrencyMaturity (original maturity)

2003M01-2024M06 — -

Banks outstanding domestic amounts by 10 per cent percentiles

InstrumentDomestic sector

2003M01-2024M06 — Per cent

Banks outstanding domestic amounts - Interest rate margins

Type of institutionData typeDomestic sectorCurrency

2003M01-2024M06 — Per cent

Banks domestic new business and outstanding amounts by bank size

InstrumentType of institutionDomestic sectorCurrencyPurpose

2003M01-2024M06 — Per cent

Mortgage banks outstanding domestic mortgage loans - Quarterly payments

Data typeDomestic sectorCurrency

2013Q4-2024Q2 — Per cent

VP-registered securities

Type of securityCouponCurrencyMaturityIssuer sectorInvestor sectorValuationData type

1999M12-2024M06 — m DKK

VP-registered securities

Type of securityCouponCurrencyMaturityInvestor sectorValuationData type

1999M12-2024M06 — m DKK

Danish mortgage bonds

Type of mortgage bondOriginal maturityRemaining maturityCoupon (nominal interest rate)CurrencyIssuerInvestor sectorCovered bondsData type

1999M12-2024M06 — m DKK

VP-registered securities

Type of securityIssuer sector

1999M12-2024M06 — m DKK

VP-registered securities by ISIN codes

ISIN_NAMEInvestor sector

2005M01-2024M06 — m DKK

VP-registered securities

Type of securityCurrencyIssuer industryInvestor industryValuationData type

2008M11-2024M06 — m DKK

Investor concentration in Danish mortgage-credit bonds


2005M01-2024M06 — Concentration index

Structured bonds by characteristics

Underlying asset typeOption propertiesPrincipal protectionMaturity (original maturity)Coupon typeValuationData type

1999M12-2024M06 — m DKK

Structured bonds by underlying asset types and investor sector

Underlying asset typeInvestor sectorValuationData type

1999M12-2024M06 — m DKK

Papirer udstedt i udlandet

Type of securityCouponCurrencyMaturityIssuer sectorCountry of issuanceValuationData type

2003M01-2024M06 — m DKK

Share index


1996M01-2024M06 — Index

Climate-related indicators for the financial sector's portfolios

InvestorInvestmentIssuer sectorIssuing countryCategory of emissionValues

2018Q1-2024Q1 — -

Climate-related indicators for Danish mortgage bonds based on energy labels

InvestorInvestmentCategory of emissionValues

2022Q4-2024Q1 — -

Danish mortgage bonds held by euro countries (SHS)

Type of mortgage bondInvestor countryData type

2019Q1-2024Q1 — m DKK

Money, foreign exchange and derivatives markets
Banks purchase and sale of DKK divided on foreign currency, counterparty sector

Transaction typeDimension

2023M04-2024M06 — m DKK

Banks purchase and sale of FX swaps in DKK

Transaction typeDimension

2023M04-2024M06 — m DKK

Banks' payment and receipt of fixed interest rate in DKK

Transaction typeDimension

2023M04-2024M06 — m DKK

Banks secured borrowing and lending in DKK

Transaction typeDimension

2023M04-2024M06 — m DKK

Banks unsecured borrowing and lending in DKK


2023M04-2024M06 — m DKK