Economy of the general government sector
General government, expenditure and income


1971-2023 — m DKK

Version table OFF3 - General government, expenditure and income


1971-2023 — m DKK

General government, expenditure and income


1999Q1-2024Q1 — m DKK

General government, final consumption expenditures


1971-2023 — m DKK

General government, final consumption expenditures


1999Q1-2024Q1 — m DKK

Expenditure of general government by function, group of consumption and year

FunctionGroup of consumption

1995-2023 — m DKK

General government, income transfers (to households)

Type of income

1989-2023 — m DKK

General government, income transfers (to households)

Type of incomeSeasonal adjustment

1999Q1-2024Q1 — m DKK

General government, subsidies (to corporations)

Grant type

1971-2023 — m DKK

Specification of interest payments and interest receivables etc.


1980-2023 — m DKK

General government, taxes

Type of tax

1971-2023 — m DKK

Version table OFF12 - General government, taxes

VersionType of tax

1971-2023 — m DKK

General government, taxes

Type of taxSeasonal adjustment

1999Q1-2024Q1 — m DKK

General government, COFOG


1995-2023 — m DKK

General government, expenditures by function and type of transaction

FunctionType of expenditure

1998-2023 — m DKK

Financial accounts

AccountFinancial instrumentAssets/liabilitiesSectorConsolidated/unconsolidatedCounterpart sector

1995-2023 — m DKK

Financial accounts

AccountFinancial instrumentAssets/liabilitiesConsolidated/unconsolidatedCounterpart sector

1995Q1-2024Q1 — m DKK

Central government finance and debt


1990M12-2024M06 — DKK bn

Central government finance and debt, transactions


1987M01-2024M06 — DKK bn

Public finances


1993-2022 — m DKK

Public corporations


1993-2022 — m DKK

General government (budget)


2015-2024 — m DKK

General government (budget)


2015-2024 — m DKK

General government, income transfers (to households)

Type of income

2015-2024 — m DKK

Government Budget for Appropriations or Outlays for R&D

Grant-awarding organizationsPrice unit

2001-2024 — m DKK

Central Government appropriations for R&D

Socio-economic objectivesSectorType of appropriation

2007-2024 — m DKK

Central Government appropriations for R&D

SectorType of appropriation

2007-2027 — m DKK

Central Government appropriations for R&D

Socio-economic objectivesType of appropriation

2007-2027 — m DKK

Real expenditure by general government

TransactionPrice unit

2007-2023 — m DKK

Real expenditure by general government

TransactionPrice unitSeasonal adjustment

1990Q1-2024Q1 — m DKK

Real expenditure by general government

Type of consumptionFunctionPrice unit

2008-2023 — m DKK

Social protection expenditure
Social expenditure

MeasureType of benefits

2007-2022 — m DKK

Social expenditure

PurposeFinancing source

2007-2022 — m DKK

Health care expenditure
Health care expenditures

FunctionProviderFinancing schemePrice unit

2010-2023 — m DKK

Education expenditure
Expenditure on education

Level of educationType of expenditureOwnership

2016-2022 — m DKK

Expenditure on education

Level of educationSource of fundingCounterpart sector

2016-2022 — m DKK

EMU debt and EMU balance
Government deficit and debt in the EU-countries


2000-2023 — -

Quarterly Danish EMU-debt


2000Q1-2024Q1 — DKK bn

Arrears to general government
Public arrears

Type of arrearsType of debtPrice unit

2013-2022 — m DKK

Public arrears

Type of arrearsType of debtBalance sheets

2019-2022 — m DKK

Taxes in arrears

Type of arrearsType of debtPrice unit

2013-2022 — m DKK

Taxes in arrears

Type of arrearsType of debtBalance sheets

2019-2022 — m DKK

Other public arrears

Type of arrearsType of debtPrice unit

2013-2022 — m DKK

Other public arrears

Type of arrearsType of debtBalance sheets

2019-2022 — m DKK

Accounts and budgets of municipalities
Selected financial figures of municipalities

RegionKey figuresGross/net expendituresPrice unit

2008-2023 — DKK

Municipal accounts by main accounts

RegionMain accountDranstKindPrice unit

2007-2023 — -

Municipal accounts by functions

RegionFunctionDranstKindPrice unit

2007-2023 — -

Municipal balances


2007-2023 — DKK 1,000

Municipal accounts by groupings without text

RegionFunctionDranstOwnershipGroupingKindPrice unit

2007-2023 — DKK 1,000

Municipal accounts, groupings with text -

RegionDranst function and groupingOwnershipKindPrice unit

2018-2023 — -

Municipalities provisional accounts on main account

Main accountDranstKind

2011-2023 — DKK 1,000

Municipalities' provisional accounts by functions


2011-2023 — DKK 1,000

Municipalities financial assets and liabilities


2007Q1-2024Q1 — DKK 1,000

Municipalities liquidity (DKK 1.000)


2007Q1-2024Q1 — DKK 1,000

Municipalities long-term debt (DKK 1,000)


2007Q1-2024Q1 — DKK 1,000

Movement in liquid assets for the municipalities (DKK 1.000)


2007Q1-2024Q1 — DKK 1,000

Movements in long-term borrowing for the municipalities (DKK 1.000)


2007Q1-2024Q1 — DKK 1,000

Municipal budgets, main accounts

MunicipalityMain accountDranstKindPrice unit

2007-2024 — -

Municipal budgets, functions

MunicipalityFunctionDranstKindPrice unit

2007-2024 — -

Municipal budgets, groupings without text -

RegionFunctionDranstOwnershipGroupingKindPrice unit

2017-2024 — DKK 1,000

Municipal budgets, groupings with text -

RegionDranst function and groupingOwnershipKindPrice unit

2019-2024 — DKK 1,000

Accounts and budgets of regions
Regions accounts by main accounts

RegionMain accountDranstKindPrice unit

2007-2023 — -

Regions accounts

County council districtMain accountDranstKindPrice unit

2007-2023 — DKK 1,000

Balance of regions (DKK 1.000)


2007-2023 — DKK 1,000

Region accounts

County council districtMain accountAuthorized groupKind

2007-2023 — DKK 1,000

Regions provisional accounts by functions


2011-2023 — DKK 1,000

Regions provisional accounts by main accounts

Main accountDranstKind

2011-2023 — DKK 1,000

Regions financial assets and liabilities


2007Q2-2024Q1 — DKK 1,000

Regions liquidity (DKK 1.000)


2007Q2-2024Q1 — DKK 1,000

Regions long-term borrowing (DKK 1.000)


2007Q2-2024Q1 — DKK 1,000

The opening balance of the regions (DKK 1,000)


2007-2007 — DKK 1,000

County budgets (DKK 1.000)

County council districtFunctionDranstKindPrice unit

2007-2024 — -

County budgets (DKK 1.000)

County council districtMain accountDranstKindPrice unit

2007-2024 — -

Taxes and duties
Taxation total, divided into rates and dues


1947-2023 — DKK 1,000

Taxes not paid in, periodicity

Type of tax

1995-2023 — m DKK

Tax level

National account groups

1971-2023 — Per cent

Local government personal taxation

RegionTax rate

2007-2024 — -

Taxpayers incomes and taxes


1987-2022 — m DKK

Income and deduction at assessment


1994-2022 — m DKK


Type of tax

1994-2022 — 1,000 people

End tax

RegionIncome tax type

2011-2022 — DKK 1,000

Valuation and taxation of real property

RegionTax base

2006-2023 — -

Taxes on real property

RegionType of tax

2007-2023 — DKK 1,000

Taxes on real property

RegionTax rate per thousand

2007-2024 — Tax per mille

Land tax

RegionType of real estate

2007-2023 — DKK 1,000

Corporations etc.

TypeAssessted income

1996-2022 — Number

Taxpaying corporations, etc.

TypeIncome and tax

1996-2022 — -

Corporation tax levied - DB07

IndustryIncome and tax

1996-2022 — -