Consumer price index
Consumer price index

Commodity groupUnit

2001M01-2024M06 — -

Consumer price index

Main figures

1980-2023 — Per cent

Consumer price index, annual average


1900-2023 — Index

Consumer price index, annual rate of change


1900-2023 — Per cent

Consumer price index


1980M01-2024M06 — Index

Consumer price indices by group of households

Commodity groupGroup of householdsUnit

2006M01-2024M02 — -

Net price index
Net price index

Commodity groupUnit

2001M01-2024M06 — Index

Net prise index

Main figures

1980-2023 — Index

Net price index


1980M01-2024M06 — Index

Harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP)
EU-harmonized consumer price index (HICP)

Commodity groupUnit

1996M01-2024M06 — -

EU-harmonized consumer price index with constant taxes (HICP-CT)

Commodity groupUnit

2001M01-2024M06 — -

EU-harmonized consumer price index

Main figures

1996-2023 — Index

EU price and volume comparison
Purchasing power parities and international volume and price comparison

Commodity groupCountryUnit

2000-2022 — -

Purchasing power parities and international volume and price comparison

Commodity groupCountryUnit

2000-2022 — -

Price level indices for food EU=100

Commodity groupCountry

2006-2021 — -