Personal and family income
Main table for personal income statistics

Type of incomeSexAgePopulationPrice unitUnit

1996-2022 — -


RegionUnitSexType of income

1987-2022 — -

Income, total

RegionUnitSexIncome interval

1987-2022 — -

Income, persons

Part of the countryUnitSexSocioeconomic statusType of income

1994-2022 — -

Disposable income

RegionUnitSexAgeIncome interval

1987-2022 — -

Income, persons

RegionUnitSexLevel of educationType of income

2004-2022 — -

Income for people (14 years+)

Region/provinceUnitSexAgeAncestryType of income

2008-2022 — -


Region/provinceUnitSexAgeType of income

1992-2022 — -

Personal income before tax for persons over 14 years

SexAgePrice unitIncome interval

1995-2022 — Number

Personal income before tax for persons over 14 years

RegionSexAgeIncome intervalPrice unit

2000-2022 — Number

Disposable income

RegionUnitSexIncome interval

1987-2022 — -

Income, total

RegionUnitSexAgeIncome interval

1987-2022 — -

Persons with public transfers as main source of income

Municipality groupsAge

2005-2022 — Share in per cent

Gender equality indicator of personal income

Socioeconomic statusType of incomeUnitIndicator

1994-2022 — -

Gender equality indicator of personal income

Age groupsType of incomeUnitIndicator

1991-2022 — -

Gender equality indicator of income in relationships

Age groupsIndicator

1987-2022 — Per cent

Main table for family income statistics

Type of incomeFamily typePopulationPrice unitUnit

2004-2022 — -

Number of families

RegionFamily type

1987-2022 — Number


RegionUnitOwner/ tenant of dwellingType of income

2000-2022 — -


RegionUnitOwner/ tenant of dwellingFamily typeIncome interval

2000-2022 — -


RegionUnitSocioeconomic statusType of income

1993-2022 — -

Level of education of the family

RegionUnitFamily typeLevel of educationType of income

2000-2022 — -

Income for families

RegionUnitFamily typeType of income

1991-2022 — -


RegionUnitFamily typeNumber of childrenType of income

1993-2022 — -


RegionUnitFamily typeIncome interval

1987-2022 — -

Disposable family income

RegionUnitFamily typeIncome interval

1987-2022 — -


RegionUnitSexType of income

2012-2023 — -

A-income, total

RegionUnitSexAgeIncome interval

2012-2023 — -

Payout after deduction of tax etc

RegionUnitSexAgeIncome interval

2012-2023 — -

Income inequality
Avg. equivalised disposable Income in decile groups,

Decile averageMunicipality

1987-2022 — Avg.

Persons in Risk of Poverty families

MunicipalityIncome level

2000-2022 — Per cent

Minimum disposable indcome per month

Adults 15 years and overChildren under 15 yearsIncome level

1987-2022 — DKK per family

Persons in Risk of Poverty families

MunicipalityIncome level

2000-2022 — Number

Risk of Poverty families

Income levelSocioeconomic status

2000-2022 — Per cent

Persons in Risk of Poverty families

Income levelSocioeconomic status

2000-2022 — Number

Relative poverty (share of the population)

Municipality groupsAge

2015-2022 — Per cent

Relative poverty


2015-2022 — -

Composition of income deciles

Income decileSocioeconomic statusUnit

2000-2022 — -

Average disposable income

Municipality groupsAge

2004-2022 — DKK

Avg. equivalised disposable Income

Decile averageSocioeconomic status

2000-2022 — DKK

Composition of income deciles

Income decileAgeUnit

2000-2022 — -

Inequality indicators on equivalised disposable income


1987-2022 — -

Deciles, upper bounds on equivalised disposable income,

Deciles boundMunicipality

1987-2022 — DKK

Deciles, upper bounds on equivalised disposable income,

Deciles boundSocioeconomic status

2000-2022 — DKK


OccupationSectorSalarySalary earnersComponentsSex

2013-2022 — DKK


RegionSectorSalarySalary earnersComponentsSex

2013-2022 — DKK


Industry (DB07)SectorSalarySalary earnersComponentsSex

2013-2022 — DKK

Earnings per hour worked

Industry (DB07)AgeSexComponents

2002-2022 — DKK


AgeSectorSalarySalary earnersComponentsSex

2013-2022 — DKK


EducationSectorSalarySalary earnersComponentsSex

2015-2022 — DKK

Level of earnings

Work/residenceRegionAgeSexFamily type

2009-2022 — DKK

Standardised index of average earnings

Industry (DB07)SectorUnit

2016Q1-2024Q1 — -

Standardised index of average earnings


2016Q1-2024Q1 — Index

Implicit index of average earnings in Corporations and Organizations

IndustrySeasonal adjustment

2005Q1-2024Q1 — Index

Annual pct. change of average earnings in Corporations and Organizations


2005Q1-2024Q1 — Per cent

Implicit index of average earnings in the public sector, central government

Industry (DB07)

2005Q1-2024Q1 — Index

Annual pct. change of average earnings in the public sector, central government

Industry (DB07)

2005Q1-2024Q1 — Per cent

Implicit index of average earnings in the public sector, local government

Industry (DB07)

2005Q1-2024Q1 — Index

Annual pct. change of average earnings in the public sector, local government

Industry (DB07)

2005Q1-2024Q1 — Per cent

Implicit index and annual pct change of average earnings

UnitIndustry (DB07)

2007Q1-2024Q1 — -

Implicit index and annual pct change of average earnings

UnitIndustry (DB07)

2007Q1-2024Q1 — -

Gender equality indicator of gender pay gap


2004-2022 — Per cent

Gender equality indicator of gender pay gap


2010-2022 — -

Gender equality indicator on gender pay gap

IndicatorExtent of working timeAge

2009-2022 — -