Households and families
Households 1. January

RegionType of householdHousehold sizeNumber of children in the household

1986-2024 — Number

Adults 1. January

RegionType of householdNumber of persons in the household Number of children in the householdSexAge

1986-2024 — Number

Households 1. January

Urban and rural areasType of householdNumber of children

2010-2024 — Number

Households' distance to the nearest convenience store

Municipality groupsDistance

2009-2022 — Number

Households' distance to the nearest convenience store (share in per cent))

Municipality groupsDistance

2009-2022 — Share in per cent

Families 1. January

RegionFamily typeFamily sizeNumber of children

1986-2024 — Number

Families with children 1 January

RegionUnitFamily typeChildren from the age ofChildren to the age of

1986-2024 — Number

Families with/without children i percentage of all families in the same municipa

RegionFamily type

2007-2024 — Per cent

Adults 1. January

RegionFamily typeNumber of persons in the familyNumber of children in the familySexAge

1986-2024 — Number

Children 1. January

RegionFamily typeNumber of persons in the familyNumber of children in the familySexAge

1986-2024 — Number

Children 1. January

RegionType of householdNumber of persons in the household Number of children in the householdSexAge

1986-2024 — Number


AreaAdults in the in-residence familyFamily type for the in- residence familyAdults in the visiting familyFamily type for the visiting familyAge

2008-2024 — Number


RegionAgeFamily typeNumber of siblingsCombination of siblings

2008-2024 — Number


RegionAgeFamily typeNumber of siblingsCombination of siblings

2008-2024 — Number


RegionAgeFamily typeMother statusFather status

2007-2024 — Number

Children with change in family

RegionChange in familyFamilytype last yearFamilytype this yearAge

2008-2024 — Number

Childrens' (0-17 years) families

Number of childrenType of child familyFamily type

2008-2024 — Number

Children and young persons who has lost their parents

RegionAgeMother statusFather statusStatus of both parents

2001-2024 — Number


AgeFamily typeMother statusFather status

1980-2024 — Number

Gender equality indicator of children, living with only one parent


1980-2024 — -

Marriages between two of different sex

Residence of the groomResidence of the brideAge of the groomAge of the brideFormer marital status of the groomFormer marital status of the bride

2006-2023 — Number


Type of marriage ceremonyMonth of the marriage

2007-2023 — Number

Marriages between two of different sex

Recidence of the maleResidence of the femaleMonth of the marriageType of marriage ceremony

2006-2023 — Number

Marriages between two of different sex

Country of origin for the maleCountry of origin for the womanAge of the maleAge of the femaleAncestry of the maleAncestry of the woman

1999-2023 — Number

Marriages between two of different sex

Citizenship of the maleCitizenship of the femaleAge of the maleAge of the female

1999-2023 — Number

Marriages between two of different sex

Age of the groomAge of the brideType of marriage ceremony

2007-2023 — Number


Day of marriageMonth of the marriage

2007-2023 — Number



2020M01-2024M09 — Number



1989-2023 — Number

Marriages and divorces


1983M01-2023M12 — Number

Average age of males and females getting married


1901-2023 — -

Divorces between two of different sex

Recidence of the maleResidence of the femaleAge of the maleAge of the femaleDuration of marriage

2006-2023 — Number

Divorces between two of different sex

Recidence of the maleResidence of the femaleMonth of the divorce

2006-2023 — Number

Divorces between two of different sex

Country of origin for the maleCountry of origin for the womanAge of the maleAge of the femaleAncestry of the maleAncestry of the woman

1999-2023 — Number

Divorces between two of different sex

Citizenship of the maleCitizenship of the femaleAge of the maleAge of the female

1999-2023 — Number

Divorce rate


1986-2023 — Per cent



2020M01-2024M09 — Number



1999-2023 — Number

Marriages per 1 January

Year of the marriageDuration of marriageDissolution of marriages

2024-2024 — -

Ratios in municipal and self-governing day care and family day care

MunicipalityCategory of child care

2023-2023 — Number

Fulltimeadjusted clients in municipal and self-governing og family day care

RegionCategory of child care

2015-2023 — Number

Fulltimeadjusted staff in municipal and self-governing day care, family day care

RegionJob titleEducation

2015-2023 — Number

Full-time adjusted children in private day care institutions

RegionCategory of child care

2021-2023 — Number

Full-time adjusted pedagogical staff in private day care institutions

RegionJob titleEducation

2021-2023 — Number

Clients in leisure time facility

CountyCategory of child careType of ownershipAge

2015-2023 — Number

Staff in school based leisure time facility

CountyPositions category

2015-2023 — Number

Recipients of subsidy to private day-care and day-care of own children

RegionGrant typeAffected

2008-2023 — Number

Fulltimeadjusted staff employed through state funding


2023-2023 — Number

Full-time equivalent children transferred to kindergarten before reaching the ag


2023-2023 — Number

Institutions and units

RegionType of careType of ownership

2017-2023 — Number

Yearly rates of child-care

RegionType of measure

2007-2024 — DKK