Disadvantaged children and young people
Children and young people who receive support per 31st December


2015-2023 — Per cent

Support to children and young people per 31st December (net statement)


2011-2023 — Number

Public net expenditures for exposed children and young people


2002-2023 — m DKK

Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december


2011-2023 — Number

Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december

Place of accommodationAgeSex

2011-2023 — Number

Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december

Part of the countryPlace of accommodationMeasureAgeSex

2011-2023 — Number

Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december

Administrative municipalityPlace of accommodation

2011-2023 — Number

Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december

Administrative municipalityMeasure

2011-2023 — Number

Children and young persons placed outside of own home per 31st december

Administrative municipalityAge

2011-2023 — Number

Initiated placement outside of own home of children and young persons

Part of the countryMeasureAgeSex

2011-2023 — Number

Initiated placement outside of own home of children and young persons

Part of the countryPlace of accommodationAgeSex

2011-2023 — Number

Initiated placement outside of own home of children and young persons

Administrative municipalityAge

2011-2023 — Number

Decisive causes related to initiated placement outside own home

Part of the countryCause for placement outside the homeAgeSex

2018-2023 — Number

Preventive measures to children and young people during the year


2015-2023 — Number

Children and young people with preventive measures during the year


2015-2023 — Number

Initiated measures and support to children and young people during the year


2015-2023 — Number

Active measures and support to children and young people per 31st of December


2015-2023 — Number

Notifications of concern for children

Administrative municipalityReporter (who is notifying)AgeSex

2015-2022 — Number

Children for whom a notification of concern has been received, classified

Administrative municipalityNotifications of concernAgeSex

2015-2022 — Number

Causes for notifications of concern for children

Administrative municipalityCauseReporter (who is notifying)AgeSex

2015-2022 — Number

Share of children between 0-18 years with notifications of concern

Municipality groups

2015-2022 — Per cent

Drug abuse treatment
Drug abuse treatment


2015-2023 — Number

Drug abuse treatment

RegionKey figures

2015-2023 — Number

Drug abuse treatment

Key figuresSexAge

2015-2023 — Number

Drug abuse treatment

RegionGuaranteed waiting time

2015-2023 — -

Drug abuse treatment


2015-2023 — -

Womens shelters
Stays and residents at women's shelters

Region of residenceDurationResident status

2017-2023 — Number

Stays and residents at women's shelters

AncestryDurationResident status

2017-2023 — Number

Stays and residents at women's shelters

AgeDurationResident status

2017-2023 — Number

Shelters and care homes
Persons in shelters


2021-2023 — Number

Persons in shelters


2021-2023 — Number

Stay in accommodation


2021-2023 — Number

Disability care
Disability services

RegionType of benefits

2015Q1-2022Q4 — Number

Recipients of disability services

Type of benefitsEducationMarital statusAgeSex

2015Q1-2022Q4 — Number

Disability services

Type of benefitsTarget group

2015Q1-2022Q4 — Number

Disability services

RegionType of benefits

2015-2022 — Number

Disability services (Number per 1,000 inhabitants)

RegionType of benefits

2015Q1-2022Q4 — Per 1,000 capita

Recipients of disability services

RegionType of benefits

2015Q1-2022Q4 — Number

Disability measures for children between 0-17 years


2022-2023 — Number

Disability measures for children between 0-17 years


2022-2023 — Number

Disability measures for children between 0-17 years


2022-2023 — Number

Disability measures for children between 0-17 years


2022-2023 — Number

Benefit to disability car


2011-2022 — Number

Refusal of benefit


2010-2022 — Number

Family allowance and child benefits
Recipients of family benefits and grants

RegionGrant typeSexNumber of childrenUnit

2017Q1-2023Q4 — -

Recipients of family benefits and grants

Grant typeFamily typeNumber of childrenUnit

2017Q1-2023Q4 — -

Housing benefit
Housing benefit

RegionType of benefitsMonthUnit

2007-2023 — -

Housing benefit

AgeType of benefitsMonthUnit

2007-2023 — -

Social services for senior citizens
Service indicators, per cent of the population 67 years and above


2008-2023 — Per cent

Home care and home care at nursing homes/nursing dwellings

Municipality groupsServices

2022-2023 — Per cent

Preventative home visits, recipients and visits

RegionHome visitsAgeSex

2016-2023 — Number

Home care, refarral hours

RegionType of benefitsAgeSex

2008-2023 — Hours per week

Home care, referral hours per person

RegionType of benefitsAgeSex

2008-2023 — Avg. hours per week

Home care, recipents referral

RegionType of benefitsHours per weekAgeSex

2008-2023 — Number

Home care, recipients refarral who change between private and public contractor

RegionType of benefitsAgeSex

2009-2023 — Number

Home care, recipients refarral who use private contractor

RegionType of benefitsAgeSex

2008-2023 — Per cent

Home care, first-time referred recipients who use private contractor

RegionType of benefitsAgeSex

2010-2022 — Per cent

Private contractors of home care


2008-2023 — Number

Gender equality indicator home care, recipents referral

IndicatorRegionAgeFamily type

2010-2023 — -

Gender equality indicator home care, referral hours per person

IndicatorRegionAgeFamily type

2010-2023 — Avg. hours per week

Home care, provided hours

RegionType of benefitsAgeSex

2011-2023 — Hours per week

Home care, provided hours per person

RegionType of benefitsAgeSex

2011-2023 — Avg. hours per week

Home care, recipients

RegionType of benefitsHours per weekAgeSex

2011-2023 — Number

Home care, recipients who use private contractors

RegionType of benefitsAgeSex

2013-2023 — Per cent

Training and Maintenance Training, recipients

RegionType of benefitsAgeSex

2008-2023 — Number

Rehabilitation, recipients


2019-2023 — Number

Free choice of dwelling and average waiting time for nursing homes


2009-2023 — -

Home care at nursing homes/nursing dwellings, recipents referral


2008-2023 — Number

Length of stay (days) for persons aged 67


2014-2022 — Number

Clinical pathways and readmissions for persons aged 67,


2012-2022 — -

Assistive products
Lending of assistive products


2023-2023 — Number

Recipients of lending of assistive products


2023-2023 — Number