Population figures
Population at the first day of the quarter

RegionSexAgeMarital status

2008Q1-2024Q2 — Number

Population at the first day of the month


2021M10-2024M06 — Number

Population 1. January

SexAgeMarital status

1971-2024 — Number

Population 1. January


1901-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

Day of birthBirth monthYear of birth

2008-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

Day of birthBirth monthCountry of birth

2008-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

SexAgeCountry of birth

1990-2024 — Number

Population figures from the censuses

National part

1769-2024 — Number

Summary vital statistics

Type of movement

1901-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

Urban and rural areasAgeSex

2010-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

MunicipalityCity sizeAgeSex

2010-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

Urban and rural areasPopulation area and population density

2017-2024 — -

Population 1. January


1901-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

Postal codeSexAge

2010-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

Postal codeSexAge

2010-2024 — Number

Population at the first day of the quarter

ParishMember of the National Church

2007Q1-2024Q2 — Number

Population 1. January


2010-2024 — Number

Population i percentage of all in the same municipality group

Municipality groupsAge

2008-2024 — Per cent

Population i percentage of all in the same age

Municipality groupsAge

2008-2024 — Per cent

Persons, who lived in the same municipality group as they did 20 years ago

Municipality groupsAge

2007-2024 — Per cent

People born in Faroe Islands and living in Denmark 1. January

SexAgeParents place of birth

2008-2024 — Number

People born in Greenland and living in Denmark 1. January

SexAgeParents place of birth

2008-2024 — Number

Summary vital statistics (provisional data)

RegionType of movementSex

2007Q2-2024Q1 — Number

Summary vital statistics

Type of movementAgeSex

1992-2023 — Number

Population increase per 1,000 capita

Municipality groupsType of movement

2007-2023 — Per 1,000 capita

Summary vital statistics

RegionType of movementSex

2006-2023 — Number

Summary vital statistics


2015-2023 — Number

Average age


2005-2024 — Avg.

Average age


2007-2024 — Avg.

Immigrants and their descendants
Population at the first day of the quarter


2008Q1-2024Q2 — Number

Population at the first day of the quarter

RegionSexAgeAncestryCountry of origin

2008Q1-2024Q2 — Number

Population at the first day of the quarter


2008Q1-2024Q2 — Number

Population at the first day of the quarter


2008Q1-2024Q2 — Number

Population 1. January

AgeSexAncestryCitizenshipCountry of origin

1980-2024 — Number

People, who have acquired Danish citizenship

SexAgeFormer citizenship

1979-2023 — Number

The groups of ancestry share of the total population 1. January


1980-2024 — Per cent

Population 1. January

ParishAncestryMember of the National Church

2008-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

The origin of the main characterThe country of birth of the main characterThe citizenship of the main characterThe country of birth of the motherMothers citizenshipThe country of birth of the fatherThe citizenship of the father

2019-2024 — Number

People of Danish origin 1. January

The country of birth of the main characterCountry of birth and citizenship of the parentsAge of the main character

2019-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

The origin of the main characterThe country of birth of the main characterThe country of birth of the motherThe country of birth of the father

2019-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

The origin of the main characterCountry of birth and citizenship of the parentsAge of the main character

2019-2024 — Number

Immigrants 1. January

First permit of residenceRegion

2008-2024 — Number

Immigrants 1. January

First permit of residenceGroup of countries of origin

2008-2024 — Number

Immigrants 1. January

Present permit of residenceRegion

2008-2024 — Number

Immigrants 1. January

Present permit of residenceGroup of countries of origin

2008-2024 — Number

Children of descendants 1. January

Original ancestrySexAgeCountry of origin

2007-2024 — Number

Children of descendants 1. January

Original ancestrySexAgeCountry of origin

2007-2024 — Number

Children of descendants 1. January

Original ancestrySexAgeCountry of originRegion

2007-2024 — Number

Population 1. January

AncestrySexAgeCountry of originRegion

2008-2024 — Number

Asylum applications

CitizenshipType of asylum

2014M01-2024M06 — Number

Asylum applications (asylum applications lodged in Denmark)


2014M01-2024M06 — Number

Residence permits (year)

CitizenshipResidence permit

1997-2023 — Number

Residence permits (year)

CitizenshipResidence permitSexAge

2014-2023 — Number

Permanent residence permits (year)

CitizenshipResidence permit

2003-2023 — Number

Residence permits (monthly)

CitizenshipResidence permit

2014M01-2024M06 — Number

Residence permits (monthly)

CitizenshipResidence permitSexAge

2014M01-2024M06 — Number

Permanent residence permits (monthly)

CitizenshipResidence permit

2015M01-2024M06 — Number

Immigrations (provisional data) (quarter)

CitizenshipSexResidence permit

2016Q1-2024Q1 — Number

Immigrations (year)

CitizenshipSexResidence permit

1997-2023 — Number

Population projections
Population projections 2024 for the country


2024-2070 — Number

Population projections 2024


2024-2050 — Number

Population projections 2024


2024-2050 — Number

Key figures 2024: Summary components of changes according to population projecti

AncestryType of movement

2024-2070 — Number

Key figures 2024: Summary components of changes according to population projecti

ProvinceType of movement

2024-2050 — Number

Key figures 2024: Summary components of changes according to population projecti

MunicipalityType of movement

2024-2050 — Number

Assumptions of fertility for the population projection 2024


2024-2069 — Fertility rate

Assumptions of mortality for the population projection 2024

SexAgeLife table

2024-2069 — -

Assumptions of migrations for the population projection 2024


2024-2069 — Number

Summary vital statistics

Type of movementSex

1992-2023 — Number

Live births

Age of motherSex of child

1973-2023 — Number

Live births

RegionMothers ancestryMothers country of originMothers citizenshipAge of motherSex of child

2007-2023 — Number

Live births

Day of birthBirth month

2007-2023 — Number

Live births

Age of motherLive-birth order

2007-2023 — Number

Live births

Age of fatherLive-birth order

2007-2022 — Number

Live births and deaths


1901M01-2024M03 — Number

Live births and deaths


2007Q1-2024Q1 — Number

Single and multiple deliveries

Type of delivery

1850-2022 — Number

Twin deliveries

Type of delivery

1911-2022 — Number

Average age of women given birth and new fathers


1901-2023 — -

Average age of women given birth and new fathers


2006-2023 — Avg.

Number of parents 1. January

SexAgeNumber of children

1986-2024 — Number

Childless per 1.000


1986-2024 — Per 1,000 capita

Total fertility rate (ages 15-49)


1986-2023 — Per 1,000 women

Fertility rates


1973-2023 — Per 1,000 women

Fertility rates


2006-2023 — Per 1,000 women

Fertility rates cumulated for birth cohorts of women

Year of birthAge

2023-2023 — Per 1,000 women



1974-2023 — Number



2006-2023 — Number


Day of deathMonth of death

2007-2023 — Number


Cause of deathAgeSex

2007-2022 — Number


Cause of deathSex

2007-2022 — Number

Deaths during first five years of life


1901-2023 — Number

Gender equality indicator on deaths

IndicatorCause of deathAge

2007-2022 — -

Life expectancy
Life expectancy for new born babies


1840:1849-2022:2023 — Years

Life expectancy for new born babies


2000:2001-2022:2023 — Years

Life expectancy for new born babies

Municipality groupsSex

2006:2007-2022:2023 — Years

Life expectancy for new born babies


2000:2001-2022:2023 — Years

Life expectancy for new born babies


2000:2004-2019:2023 — Years

Life table (2 years tables)

AgeSexLife table

1981:1982-2022:2023 — -

Life table (5 years tables)

AgeSexLife table

1901:1905-2019:2023 — -

Gender equality indicator of life expectancy for new born babies


1901:1905-2022:2023 — -

Gender equality indicator of remaining life expectancy for 50-year-olds

IndicatorFamily type

1996:2000-2019:2023 — -

Gender equality indicator on life expectancy for people aged 30 years

IndicatorHighest education completed

2012:2016-2019:2023 — -